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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Among U.S. adults who said jobs and the economy were "very important" issues, 86 percent said they planned to vote for Trump, compared to 64 percent who said they intend to vote for Harris, an Economist/YouGov poll taken Aug. 25-27 found.

Trump led Harris by 51 points among adults who said immigration was "very important" to them in the Economist/YouGov poll, with 83 percent saying they planned to back Trump compared to just 32 percent who said they will vote for Harris.
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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 有人说“经济和边境,这两条川普都大幅领先”,要经济就没有边境,要边境就没有经济。川普把经济搞得一团糟。知道美国最糟的2次经济在什么时候,边境关税分别多少,通胀分别多少,后来怎么解决的?理科生不放狗,有多少知道?不知道的话,建议戒肉联去看一个月书。 +2
    • 请提供书名。 谢谢
      • 推荐链接为有偿,肉联允许不?
        • 你有介绍你前面说的问题的书名吗?
            • and......
    • Among U.S. adults who said jobs and the economy were "very important" issues, 86 percent said they planned to vote for Trump, compared to 64 percent who said they intend to vote for Harris, an Economist/YouGov poll taken Aug. 25-27 found. +1
      Trump led Harris by 51 points among adults who said immigration was "very important" to them in the Economist/YouGov poll, with 83 percent saying they planned to back Trump compared to just 32 percent who said they will vote for Harris.
      • 现在的美国人不读书,不知道自己的历史,可怕极了。
        • 美国人都知道,在川普任期,生活比现在好得多,没有这么厉害的通货膨胀,没有那么多非法移民为非作歹。你根本不知道非法移民的问题有多严重,连左左大本营纽约都受不了了。 +2
          • 4年里面,三年关家里,全靠政府用钱过日子,好个屁!
            • 川普第一任期是2017~2021,Covid2020年出现的,你说的三年关家里,指的是拜登时期吧? +1
              • 你不说我还不来气,关家里不是他开始的?强逼着打消毒水吃马药,幸好第三年转成民主党,慢慢放松了,还搞那个有点没得贸易战,物价飞涨
                • 美国哪里有强逼着打消毒水?你是在中国吗?
                  • 这个你可能不知道,现在说了你可能也不相信,前deepstate 爆料,通过这些手段,消灭脑袋不灵活的,保留精英,重塑美国,霉嘎,MAGA!
                    • 不要逃避问题,你是在中国吗?
                      • 台南白茅岭
                        • 哎呦,还熬夜发帖呀,真是辛苦你了,早点休息吧
                    • 请提供书名。谢谢 +1
        • 请提供书名,谢谢。 +1
          • 现在问个书名都要等三个多小时。到现在都没看到。 +1
    • 先把这贴的链接页面全部看完再来叨叨#16275690@0
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