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Behind The Scenes Of 'Walk The Line'---走线纪录片后续。他们雇佣的一个走线consultant还专门针对如何过雨林进行了培训,结果蛇头不让他们过任何一条线路。还对他们传授了如何应对不遵守游戏规则的持枪人,还有如何对应绑架等等。

Behind The Scenes Of 'Walk The Line': The Team Who Filmed Chinese Asylum Seekers' Journey To US
A passionate TV crew goes on one of the most ambitious and dangerous shoots of their lives, following groups of Chinese migrants making their journey from Ec...

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 介绍大家看一个走线大片。新加坡的CNA,记者联系到走线的成都一家子从厄瓜多尔到美国,还请他们吃饭聊天。除了雨林那一段蛇头不允许他们跟拍,他们不得不飞到雨林的另一头以外,几乎从头到底都是跟拍的,就像大片一样。先看花絮。 +4
    Behind The Scenes Of Walk The Line: Into Narcos Territory To Film Chinese Migrants
    For seven weeks, CNA correspondent Wei Du and her team traced the perilous journey that some Chinese nationals take to illegally enter the United States from...
    • Part 1/3 - Walk The Line +3
      From China To US: The Illegal Trek Chinese Migrants Are Making To America
      Hundreds of Chinese citizens arrive in Jacumba, California every day, having crossed the Wall that’s meant to fence the US off from Mexico. Their sudden arri...
    • Part 2/3 - Walk The Line

      Cross The Wall Or Die Trying: Chinese Migrants Inch Towards American Dream
      Having encountered more Chinese migrants along the way, CNA correspondent Wei Du arrives in Necocli, Colombia, where the migrants are set to embark on the mo...
    • Part 3/3 - Walk The Line
      Can These Chinese Asylum Seekers Reach Their 'American Dream'?
      The Chinese migrants arrive in Mexico, and immediately end up on the receiving end of traumatic experiences. Mexico will soon turn out to be the most treache...
    • 纪录片介绍 Chinese migrants are entering US illegally - CNA followed part of their journey
      Chinese migrants are entering US illegally - CNA followed part of their journey
      As part of CNA series 'Walk The Line', for seven weeks from November to January, CNA senior correspondent Wei Du and her crew followed some Chinese migrants ...
    • 现代版的围城,人们为什么都想进入美国呢,过来体面地工作生活吗?还是由于美国国际上的霸主地位让人向往. +1
      • 一般走线美国的不出2个原因:1.赚钱。2.各种原因避难。成都这一件是信教的,信教在国内有很多限制。当然第二种原因给偷渡者和各种教利用的很多。片尾有提到。 +1
        • 农民工,工厂苦力工过来确实可以,同样是体力劳动比国内强,孩子上学翻身机会大。至于为了自由民主,信教,赚钱都不是理由
          • 那成都一家子绝对不是农民工啦,老公能讲英文,妥妥的中产。很多走线客里时不时有冒出会讲英文的大学生,纪录片中就有一个大学生给边防警察当翻译告诉其他走线客该如何听指令。可怜那些走线客连基本的表示颜色的英文都听不懂。
    • 👍,先Mark一下慢慢看 +1
      • 从片子中我也学了一个俚语:happy wife, happy life. 新加坡人的英文真不错,也很有敬业精神。从没看到过中国的记者们能冒着生命危险拍这种纪录片的。他们国语也很不错,饮食习惯也和大陆人差不多,一下子就能够和走线客拉近了举例。老外拍中国走线客视频绝对拍不出这样的。
        • 新加坡官方语言是英文,学校教育都是英文,基本就是母语了。
          • 我知道。他们的官方语言就是英文。上班都得用英文。马来西亚华人的英文也都很好。到欧美国家,就我们这种大陆接受教育的最难。英文不是主流,都靠自己花钱自己努力。
            • 那个地方4种官方语言
            • 日常的还好说,主要是教育用英文,所以都是英文思考,就容易些。
          • 西欧国家的英语也都相当重视。前几天看德国小伙的旅游视频,说得非常流利。虽然德文和英文都是西语系,比较接近。但是毕竟是2种语言,依然有不少差异的。
    • 看完了,真不错
    • Behind The Scenes Of 'Walk The Line'---走线纪录片后续。他们雇佣的一个走线consultant还专门针对如何过雨林进行了培训,结果蛇头不让他们过任何一条线路。还对他们传授了如何应对不遵守游戏规则的持枪人,还有如何对应绑架等等。
      Behind The Scenes Of 'Walk The Line': The Team Who Filmed Chinese Asylum Seekers' Journey To US
      A passionate TV crew goes on one of the most ambitious and dangerous shoots of their lives, following groups of Chinese migrants making their journey from Ec...